Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

Welcome. This section contains the latest Knowstone news. If you have any news that you would like to promote on this website, please contact us:

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Latest News

Cyclists in the South Molton area are being encouraged to saddle up and visit the local pannier market to have their bikes security marked for free. The local neighbourhood police team will be at the market in Broad Street, South Molton, between… More

Devon & Cornwall Police is working with partners and local residents to make potential locations in the counties unattractive to organisers of raves (also called unlicensed music events or UMEs).  There is an increased possibility of these… More

The Police and Crime Commissioner elections will be taking place on Thursday 2nd May. There is a polling station at Knowstone Village Hall. 

Devon and Cornwall Police have received a number of reports of fake Scottish £50 notes being handed over at various businesses in Devon & Cornwall recently.  Please be wary of this and inform staff.  If you have any… More

Devon & Cornwall Police ask for residents to continue to be vigilant of the scam in which residents are contacted by telephone by fraudsters posing as their bank, Action Fraud or police, the fraudster gives a storyline such as claiming the… More

Devon & Cornwall Police have received a number of reports of scams involving items advertised for sale on Facebook. Persons have attended to collect items and agreed to pay by bank transfer, a confirmation of the transfer has… More

As spring arrives just a reminder to make sure your house and any outbuildings are secure. Don’t leave the property with open windows, be mindful of where keys are kept and make sure they can’t be seen or accessed from letterboxes or cat flaps!… More