Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Message from Devon and Cornwall Police regarding equine crime

During the month of August the Rural Affairs Team had the monthly theme of 'Equine Crime'. We produced an information sheet with some crime prevention advice for horse owners. These can also be applied to a farm/yard environment.

Unfortunately, over recent weeks our force area has been subject to a number of rural crimes where barns, stables, yards and other isolated areas have been targetted and items such as tools, plant/machinery, quads and other farming equipment has been stolen.

Please take a moment to read the advice and check your security measures.

If you see anything/anyone behaving in a suspicious manner in your area, please report to us on 999 (if ongoing) or via 101 or

Thank you.

Message Sent By
Kerry Whitting (Police, Rural Crime PC, Devon)