Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

Welcome. This section contains the latest Knowstone news. If you have any news that you would like to promote on this website, please contact us:

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Latest News

North Devon Council have reported that their recycling service is currently facing difficulties with their transport and new routes which means recycling is not being picked up on Wednesdays as it should be. Unofficially they say this might take a… More

Donations are needed for the tombola, Bric-a-Brac, book and cake stalls at the Fair taking place on Saturday 24th June. Feel free to drop off any items you may wish to donate at the Parish Hall from Saturday 17th June daily until Friday 23rd June … More

Two vacancies have arisen on the Knowstone Parish Council due to resignation and three Parishioners are standing for election to fill these positions. Official poll cards have been sent by North Devon Council to every Parishioner eligible to vote on… More

The road through Knowstone will be closed on Saturday 24th June between noon and 5pm. This is due to the Knowstone Village Fair and Show taking place in the village. Visitors to the Fair will be able to park in a field belonging to Parishioner… More

Hopefully you will have seen our posters and received fliers with information on the Knowstone Village Fair and Show taking place on Saturday 24th June. Have a hunt around and see if you have anything to donate to the tombola or Bric-a-Brac and book… More

The Parish Council held their AGM on Tuesday 30th May. At this meeting, Cllr Mike Smith stood down as Chairman and Cllr Reg Howe was elected to the position. Cllr Tony Moore was appointed as Vice Chairman. 

The community bus is off to Lynmouth on Wednesday 21st June. This trip has been organised by Michele and Tim Browse and is great value for money (see more details in the events section of this website). The community bus is a wonderful addition to… More

Another good coffee morning took place on Wednesday 24th May. Numbers were slightly down on last month (perhaps it was the glorious weather's fault?) but there were some amazing cakes eaten and taken home for tea! £42.20 was raised for the Parish… More

The Annual Parish Meeting took place on Tuesday 23rd May. Around 30 Parishioners were in attendance and participated in discussions over Sidemoor picnic site, East Hill Farm and defibrillators for the Parish as well heard reports on policing, the… More

North Devon Council aim to recycle 50% of all waste by 2020 (up 10% from 2010). From June 5th they are introducing some changes to the recycling system. New kerbside caddies have been delivered to households and should contain a useful leaflet on… More