Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

Welcome. This section contains the latest Knowstone news. If you have any news that you would like to promote on this website, please contact us:

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Latest News

The CPR and defibrillator session on the Wednesday 1st November has been cancelled. This is due to those registering interest all attending the first session on Tuesday 31st October. Dates of any further sessions will be advertised on the website. 

A defibrillator and CPR training session was held at the Parish Hall on Tuesday 31st October. Run by Parish Councillor Tony Moore, the objective was twofold 1) to train people in how to use the newly acquired defibrillator (located at the Parish… More

On 14th October parishioners Rosie and Andy Bere celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at Knowstone Parish Hall. They were married at Knowstone Parish Church and held their wedding reception at Knowstone Parish Hall so decided to celebrate… More

A Hobby Horse race night was held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 21st October. Despite the wet and wild weather, jockeys, owners and punters alike turned out to support the event. The official adjudicator was Ken Dykes who also bred ("made") the… More

Michele and Tim Browse are running their successful film nights again with the first one starting on 30th November. Full details can be found in the events section of this website. The first film being shown, Lion, had amazing reviews and is… More

Remember that the defibrillator and CPR training will be taking place on Tuesday 31st October and Wednesday 1st November. Please come along if you can. 

Congratulations to Mark Dodson of the Masons Arms on the publication of his cookery book “This Is Mine”. It is a collection of recipes for 70 dishes, many of them Masons favourites, and contains a foreword from one of Britain’s great chefs Michel… More

Please find the notice of co-option of one Parish Councillor here

Please click here to see the police report for the month of September.  The Police have received a number of reports of suspicious persons selling door to door, and state that it is worth reminding local residents of the dangers of bogus-callers.… More

The Knowstone Parish Council has just updated the Emergency Plan for this parish. By now, all residents of the parish should have received a copy of the Plan along with a covering letter, explaining areas of responsibility and what to do if an… More