Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

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Latest News

On 17th May the Department of Transport announced that motorists in Devon are set to benefit from better journeys after Transport Secretary Chris Grayling approved a series of improvements to the North Devon Link Road to better connect the area to… More

The dog show classes at the Summer Fair (Saturday 16th June) have been announced. Please see below. You are able to enter on the day (just in case you need to make a late decision about whether your pooch will show or just show you up!).  An… More

Posters have been put up around the Parish announcing a Plant Sale, Coffee Morning and Cake Sale to be held at Knowstone Parish Hall on Saturday 19th May. The event is being run by the Knowstone and Rose Ash Garden Club between  the hours of 10.30am… More

The agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting which will take place on Tuesday 22nd May has now been published.  KNOWSTONE PARISH - NOTICE of ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 2018 The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) will be held in the Parish Hall, Knowstone on… More

A Beetle Drive is being held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 19th May at 7pm. It costs £5 to enter and it is a Bring and Share supper (bring a plate of sweet or savoury buffet food and add it to the table). For those who haven't been before a Beetle… More

The next Annual Meeting of the Parish will take place on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 in the Parish Hall. Doors open from 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Cheese and wine will be served on arrival. Please try to attend if you can. It is a great way to see and hear… More

What do you do with lids, tops and caps? If you find yourself asking “Are they recyclable?”,  “Which bin do they go in?” and “Am I doing it right?” then read on. These common questions now have a simple answer – YES! They are all recyclable! Simply… More

Due to dwindling numbers at the monthly coffee mornings (only two Parishioners turned up to the last event and had to attempt to demolish three cakes themselves!!) it has been decided to replace the next coffee morning with Afternoon Tea. This event… More

Congratulations go to John and Rosemary Stanbury of The Barton, East Knowstone for the performance of their  Ruby Red Devon bull, Knowstone Rock Solid 2nd, at a recent cattle sale at Sedgemoor auction centre. Competition was stiff and nerves on edge… More

Walkers! Please be aware that on the footpath from East Knowstone to Roachill via Shapcott Barton (just past the second gateway and up from the stream, coming from East Knowstone), there is a rotted out tree (fairly substantial) that looks as though… More