Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

Welcome. This section contains the latest Knowstone news. If you have any news that you would like to promote on this website, please contact us:

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Latest News

Hope you are all busy getting your competition entries ready for the Knowstone Fair. Entry forms need to be submitted to Wendy Vigus (01398 341159) the week before the fair. Fill details can be found in the Knowstone Fair section of this website. … More

There has been news of the theft of quad bikes (and tools / diesel) in the local area. Please can everyone be aware and report any suspicious vehicles or activity to the police. 

The annual parish meeting will be taking place on Tuesday 28th May at 7.30pm in the village hall. This a meeting open to all parishioners and is not a Parish Council meeting. Instead it is an overview of everything that is happening in the parish… More

We have been provided with some beautiful photos of the gardens at Shapcott Barton by the owners Anita and Bill Allen. Their annual report, which can be found on the Parish Council page (click on Annual Parish Meeting), also makes interesting… More

At the Annual Meeting of the Council on 14th May, two new councillors, John Pomfret and David Barrett, were co-opted onto Knowstone Parish Council. If you are interested in being co-opted onto the Council please contact the Parish Clerk, Wendy… More

On Wednesday, 21st August, the Exe Valley Community Bus will be making a special trip to Sidmouth. The cost is £8.50 and will be a full-day trip. Places are limited, so to reserve a seat or further enquiries, contact Timothy and Michele Browse 01398… More

It is with sadness that we hear of the passing of the former Knowstone resident Maureen (Mo) Jenkins who has died at the age of 71 after a long battle with cancer. Her funeral takes place at St Mary Magdalene church in South Molton on Friday 10th… More

Les Gard, a life long resident of Knowstone until his move to Eastleigh Care Home in South Molton, has died at the age of 85 years on 12th April 2019 leaving behind his brother Roy. His funeral took place at St Peter's church in Knowstone. Donations… More

Please click here to find details of the individual candidates standing in the European Elections for the South West and the parties they are standing for. The election date is 23rd May 2019. 

Please click here to find the notice of election for the District Councillor elections to take place on 2nd May 2019. There are three candidates and the polling station is Knowstone Parish Hall.