Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

Welcome. This section contains the latest Knowstone news. If you have any news that you would like to promote on this website, please contact us:

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Latest News

From Friday, July 24, Government COVID-19 legislation changes mean it is mandatory to wear a face covering in all shops and retail premises. The measure will see all shops able to prevent entry to the premises to anyone not… More

Devon & Cornwall Police are launching a summer-long campaign to help reduce demand on their 101 non-emergency number. During the summer months, the force sees a considerable increase in demand on the contact centre. The campaign… More

We were saddened to hear of the death of parishioner Keith Osborne. Keith has lived and farmed in the parish for many years but prior to this he lived in North Somerset. Donations in Keith's memory to Hospiscare Exeter or Marie Curie Fund. Enquiries… More

The Knowstone Village Fair and Show planned for June this year has been cancelled and now will take place on Sunday 27th June 2021. Something to get in your diary for next year! 

Please see below a message from Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer.  Think twice “In England, there has now been an easing of Covid-related restrictions and amendments have been made to the legislation, following the Prime Minister’s address to the… More

Devon & Cornwall Police has launched a campaign asking members of the public to help spot the signs of County Lines and report any suspicious activity taking place in their community. Since the Government restrictions were imposed to stop the… More

Please see below a message from the Masons Arms. “Just testing the water to see if there would be demand for a takeaway next week? How about next Friday, 8th May? We could offer a collection only service from here, maintaining social distancing,… More

The Parish Council has received a kind offer from a retired physics advisor, with teaching experience from KS3 through to degree level, who may be able to help via email, parents or students with certain subjects whilst studying at home. Please… More

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