Knowstone Parish Council

Knowstone - East Knowstone - Roachill

Knowstone News

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Latest News

This April the Devon and Cornwall Police rural affairs team are focusing on farm machinery, vehicle and plant theft. They have produced a number of short videos which can be accessed here. 

Devon & Cornwall Police has joined forces with colleagues across the region to disrupt networks that supply illegal drugs into the area. Devon & Cornwall Police is working with the other four police services in the South West (Avon and… More

Over recent weeks in Devon and Cornwall there has been a slight increase in reports of theft relating to domestic heating oil and diesel fuel. Although we historically see a rise in these type of offences over the winter months, this in combination… More

Details of a road closure in Roachill on Wednesday 16th March 

Message from Neighbourhood Watch Research shows two thirds (67%) of people are worried about their home being broken into, yet there are simple, proven measures we can all take to reduce our chances of becoming a victim of burglary by up to 50%.… More

The Devon and Cornwall police rural affairs team highlight rural issues throughout the year to focus problem solving activity for police, partners and public. They have produced a series of short videos with key messages and prevention activity and… More

KNOWSTONE PARISH COUNCIL QUEEN’S PLATINUM JUBILEE COMMEMORATION The Parish Council will be considering various options on how the Parish can mark the Queen’s Jubilee at its next meeting and would be interested to hear from Parishioners with any… More

Get involved! The Knowstone Parish Hall Committee is planning a community Jubilee lunch event on Sun 5th June 2022 to mark and celebrate this historic event - HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We are meeting tomorrow Tue 8th Feb 2022 - 19:30 at the… More

Unfortunately, over recent weeks, the police have had a number of reports where sheep have been chased and attacked or killed by dogs. This can be very upsetting for all those involved. Livestock worrying is a criminal offence.  Action could be… More